To achieve FATF Targets in time - The Inspection Schedule announced Meeting regarding prompt compliance of Honourable Court Orders.

The Cooperative Department, Sindh, is entrusted with the vital task of supervising and controlling cooperative societies located in Sindh. The department conducts regular inspections and audits to safeguard the interests of the society members. In accordance with the Cooperative Societies Act 2020, the department's objectives and functions encompass the following:

  1. Registration Of Cooperative Societies: The department facilitates the registration process for cooperative societies, ensuring that they meet the necessary legal requirements and guidelines. By overseeing this process, the department ensures that only legitimate and properly constituted societies are granted recognition.
  2. Liquidation Of Defunct Societies: When a cooperative society becomes inactive or fails to fulfil its obligations, the department initiates the process of liquidation. This involves the orderly dissolution of the society's assets and the settlement of its outstanding liabilities in a transparent manner, protecting the rights of the members.
  3. Annual and Special Audits: The department conducts regular audits of cooperative societies to assess their financial records, operational efficiency, and adherence to legal and regulatory standards. These audits provide valuable insights into the financial health and transparency of the societies, thereby promoting accountability and trust among the members.
  4. Conducting Annual General Meetings: As part of its oversight responsibilities, the department ensures that cooperative societies hold Annual General Meetings (AGMs) in a timely and organized manner. AGMs serve as platforms for members to receive updates on the society's performance, discuss important matters, and make informed decisions collectively.
  5. Elections of Managing Committees: To ensure democratic representation and effective governance, the department oversees the elections of Managing Committees within cooperative societies. By ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process, the department promotes accountability, fosters member participation, and facilitates the selection of competent leaders.
  6. Inquiries and Special Measures: In instances where concerns or irregularities arise, the department conducts inquiries into the affairs of cooperative societies. These inquiries help uncover any potential misconduct, mismanagement, or violations of the law. Based on the findings, the department may take necessary special measures to rectify the situation and ensure compliance with regulations.
  7. Recovery Proceedings: When cooperative societies default on their financial obligations or fail to fulfil legal obligations, the department initiates recovery proceedings to retrieve dues, penalties, or other outstanding payments. This ensures the financial stability of the societies and protects the rights of individual members.
  8. Supersession of Managing Committees: In exceptional circumstances, such as persistent mismanagement or serious violations, the department has the authority to supersede the existing Managing Committee of a cooperative society. This measure allows for temporary intervention to restore order, rectify governance issues, and protect the interests of the society's members.
  9. Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement: The department is responsible for ensuring that cooperative societies comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations. It establishes and enforces regulatory frameworks to govern the operations of societies, including financial reporting, record-keeping, maintenance of statutory documents, and adherence to ethical standards. Through inspections and periodic assessments, the department monitors compliance and takes appropriate enforcement actions against non-compliant societies to maintain transparency, accountability, and the overall integrity of the cooperative sector.



Empowering the cooperative landscape through meticulous oversight, transparent governance, and equitable collaboration, the Cooperative Department's mission is to cultivate a resilient and sustainable cooperative sector. With an unwavering commitment to regulatory compliance, educational enlightenment, and fostering synergistic partnerships, we propel the growth and vitality of cooperative societies, fostering socioeconomic progress and fostering social harmony. By promoting altruistic entrepreneurship, facilitating harmonious dispute resolution, and nurturing a culture of integrity and inclusivity, we strive to optimize the collective potential and amplify the impact of cooperative enterprises, enriching the lives of stakeholders and galvanizing equitable prosperity in our communities.


Harnessing the power of cooperative principles and leveraging our institutional acumen, the Cooperative Department envisions a future where robust and innovative cooperative enterprises thrive as catalysts of sustainable development. Through dynamic leadership, strategic foresight, and meticulous governance, the Cooperative Department aspire to shape a cooperative ecosystem that exemplifies integrity, inclusivity, and socioeconomic resilience. Guided by the unwavering commitment to ethical stewardship and equitable collaboration, a landscape is envisioned  where cooperative societies flourish, empowering individuals and communities to realize their fullest potential. By fostering a culture of excellence, promoting cooperative education, and nurturing a spirit of collective prosperity, the Cooperative Department envision a harmonious society where the transformative potential of cooperation uplifts lives, forges resilient partnerships, and serves as a beacon of progress for generations to come.


Regulatory Excellence: Ensure compliance, transparency, and accountability in the cooperative societies through robust regulatory frameworks, safeguarding stakeholder interests and promoting a level playing field.

Empower Cooperative Societies: Provide comprehensive support, resources, and capacity-building initiatives to empower cooperative societies, enhancing operational efficiency, expanding and fostering sustainable growth.

Promote Ethical Governance: Advocate for responsible leadership, sound financial management, and transparent decision-making processes, fostering a culture of integrity and instilling public trust in the cooperative movement.

Facilitate Collaboration and Networking: Foster knowledge sharing, best practice dissemination, and cooperative alliances among societies, creating a vibrant ecosystem that harnesses collective wisdom and synergistic potential.

Enhance Cooperative Education: Advance cooperative education through initiatives, scholarships, and research opportunities, cultivating a knowledgeable and skilled cooperative workforce that drives innovation and socioeconomic progress.

Strengthen Stakeholder Engagement: Ensure effective representation and participation of all stakeholders through inclusive decision-making processes, forging partnerships that amplify the collective voice and address evolving needs.

Advocate for Cooperative Policies: Proactively engage with policymakers, legislators, and stakeholders to shape cooperative-friendly policies, fostering a supportive legal and regulatory environment that amplifies the socioeconomic impact of the sector.

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